An international monthly magazine covering contemporary art from 1962-2020. The archive contains feature articles, reviews, and interviews on artists, exhibitions, and publications.
Citations, abstracts, and selected full text for articles from international periodicals, peer-reviewed journals, and art dissertations. Also indexes art reproductions from indexed periodicals across styles and art movements.
Indexes and abstracts scholarly writing about the history of Western art from late antiquity to the present. Covers art-related books, conference proceedings, dissertations, exhibition and dealers' catalogs, and periodical articles. Includes RILA.
Indexing and abstracts for articles, essays, reviews, and original creative works in all aspects of the humanities, with full-text for select journal articles, books, and other materials. Includes all data from the Humanities International Index.
Integrated searchable access to Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, and more.
Focusing on the areas and intersections of fashion, style, and commerce, WGSN provides a global view on trends in design. Its archive contains millions of images from the runways, the street, retail outlets, and design sketches.